Kaitlen makes Art
Kaitlen makes Art
I've been directing, performing, writing, and teaching theater for 17 years.
Directing large-cast youth shows is my jam.
Theater education can change the world.
Book by Kaitlen Osburn
Music & Lyrics by Benjamin Emory Larson
Mark Twain’s beloved American folk tale spun for the audiences of the new millennium.
Mark Twain’s beloved American folk tale spun for the audiences of the new millennium.
This gender-swapped classic makes heroes out of two young girls as they navigate their way through propriety, blood oaths, friends and nemeses, pirates, and the hair-bending frustration of school.
Cast size: 3yf, 1ym, 1ym/f, 1f, 1m + youth and adult ensemble.
To listen to a demo recording of the entire show: click here!
For a perusal script, contact me!